The goal of the project“future”
  JAPANESE THEATER MIRAI PROJECT was born in the face of the state of emergency called the novel coronavirus global attack, it is a project that symbolizes new cooperation and solidarity in the performing arts industry.
Each organization of Japan Performing Arts Solidarity Network, which has been considered together with an eye on the future of Japanese theater, will consider the unique value of performing arts to society by maximizing thereof powers on stages all over the country.

Things we can only understand and do now that we have had an adverse due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Power created when people gather and connect. believe in its limitless desire and the future of the theater world...
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000 pieces
Art Caravan Satellite Project Report ★ Labochi Edition
Remisive Report
【茨城県】きかんしゃトーマス クリスマスコンサート ソドー島のメリークリスマス 2023
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
【群馬県】きかんしゃトーマス クリスマスコンサート ソドー島のメリークリスマス 2023
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
Art Caravan Satellite Project Report ★ Aokiri Mandarin Orange Edition
Secretariat Report
A step towards the art world brought about by the experience of having a professional read what you write (Aokiri tangerine)
Art Caravan Satellite Project Introduction
In order to co-nurture Sapporo's theatrical environment (Labochi)
Art Caravan Satellite Project Report ★ Office Deer Edition
Secretariat Report
Art Caravan Satellite Project Report ★ Yoshimoto Kogyo Edition
Secretariat Report
A project created based on the experiences and experiences of people from rural areas (Office Deer)
【兵庫県】神戸セーラーボーイズ 定期公演vol.1 『ロミオとジュリアス』『Water me! ~我らが水を求めて~』
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
【大阪府】梅沢劇団 梅沢富美男 水森かおり 公演
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
Art Caravan Satellite Planning Report ★ AEON Co., Ltd.
Secretariat Report
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