Art Caravan Satellite Project Report Gekidan Shorter Range Ondo Missile

Tohoku Six Prefectures Musha Shugyo Michinoku Theater Caravan
~Introduction to Staff Work~


[Miyagi Prefecture] Stage Manager
2023/12/26 (Tue) 18:30 to 21:30 (Day 1)

venues Sendai Theatre Studio 10-BOX BOX-2

2-12-13 Oroshimachi, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi 984-0015


Satoshi Fukuzawa (stage manager)


Takei Takeshi, Kusamitsu Junta, Hosokawa Takashi (Theater Lanpon)

What is the summaryHere

The “Tohoku 6 Prefectures Musha Shugyo Michinoku Theater Caravan ~ Path to Introduction to Staff Work ~” hosted by the theater company Shorter Range Ondo Missile began with a workshop by stage director Fukuzawa Satoshi. At the end of the year's Sendai Drama Studio 10-BOX, there are also people working on theater companies and props preparing for performances with theatrical box-1. It was also impressive how the rehearsal facility plays a role as an intersection that creates horizontal connections.

This stage manager course will be held with everyone from Theater Lanpon active in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture as guests. First, instead of greetings, we will perform works from Lanpon's repertoire. The fact that the usual practice hall was a splendid theater by making full use of familiar objects such as desks and chairs seemed to be stimulating for all participants.


Mr. Fukuzawa said, “Is it really good to introduce the stage manager work we usually do in Tokyo in Sendai? There must also be creative activities that can only be done in the community.” The barriers of “Tokyo is ~” and “the region is ~” were removed all at once, and at the same time, it was the stage manager's job to embody “what you want to do” regardless of location or experience, and at the same time, I felt that not only the stage manager but everyone involved in the production was talking about the importance of actively working on it.

In the second half, we were introduced to the activities of everyone at Theater Lanpon.
From the story “We moved to Matsumoto from Tokyo and were raised as actors by people in the Matsumoto area,” the situation where they use vacant stores and create props and lighting equipment using the techniques of their main job, empty cans, waste materials, cardboard, etc. from local people, devise technology, materials, and even without a theater, to realize the creations they are aiming for, and carefully challenge what is interesting rather than interesting I felt like they taught me that continuing is more important than anything else in creation.

The “Tohoku Six Prefectures Warrior Training Michinoku Theater Caravan ~Staff Work Introduction Road~” will continue to be held in Fukushima and Aomori at the end of 2023, and Yamagata, Iwate, and Akita in 2024. Coupled with the seasonal pattern of the year-end and New Year holidays, I felt that the meaning of the “homecoming workshop,” which everyone in the theater company Shorter Range Ondo Missile was aiming for, was also getting stronger.

Staff work is essential for performing works of performing arts. Also, compared to Tokyo, I think this project played a big role in regions where there are few opportunities to experience and learn.
Expectations are very high for a future where wonderful works will be created from Tohoku prefectures in the future.

Cooperative project

Official site