“Regional revitalization” leading to the future

Not only human resource development,
Creation of new networks

The Komaba Agora Theater, which has been focusing on training young people for some time, will start a new “Actor Camp” & “Playwright Camp” in January where Oriza Hirata serves as the chief lecturer. As the name “camp” suggests, it is a plan aimed at acquiring practical skills through short-term training camp type workshops that were difficult to implement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the strength of this project is that it goes beyond simply technical “human resource development.” To enhance communication and create a new network between actors and playwrights by exchanging information on each other's situations and creative opinions. Expectations are also being placed on it as a place for such “connections.” It is also a new encounter and opportunity for playwrights active in regions where it is difficult to have horizontal connections, and playwrights from Kansai and western Japan.

Things that can only be done in Toyooka
“Regional revitalization” leading to the future

The venue is the Gangwon Riverside Theater, where the excitement of the Toyooka Drama Festival is fresh in my memory. “I hope people feel that even regional cities can do this much.” As the chief lecturer, Mr. Hirata, says, one of the attractions is that you can get exchanges unique to the region with theaters that focus on spreading education. During the “Actor Camp,” we are also planning to watch a local children's theater company and visit the facilities of an arts, culture, and tourism professional college. Also, on the last day, creative works will be shown to the public, so the creative process and issues of the play will be shared with the local audience. Not only will artists learn from each other, but it will also be a valuable opportunity for citizens to revitalize the region and theater, and in turn, lead to the future of performing arts.

Toyooka actor camp


2024/1/5 (Friday) to 1/8 (Monday/holiday)
※4 nights and 5 days in total.
※There is an online introduction from mid-December to late December.


Gangwon Riverside Theater
65-10 Hioki, Hidaka-cho, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo 669-5311
*Theatrical creations and creative works will be shown to the public at the Gangwon Riverside Theater 2nd floor studio and nearby public facilities.


Actors who are currently working as professionals or who have a strong desire to become professionals


・As a general rule, you must watch the youth group or stage directed by Oriza Hirata live.
※This clause is a “principle,” and if you strongly wish to take the exam, you will be allowed to take the exam even if you are not watching the youth group stage.
・You must have read at least two books by Oriza Hirata.
・You must be able to participate in all dates.
*When applying for high school students and younger, it is necessary to submit a parental consent form (optional format).

Participation fee gratis
*Please arrange and pay for food and round-trip transportation expenses during the actor camp period.
*If you are far away, you can stay at a hotel near the theater for free (at the organizer's expense).

lecturers Oriza Hirata (playwright, director, youth group leader)

Sign up ※Registration closed

querying Agora Planning Co., Ltd.

details http://www.komaba-agora.com/2023/11/15439

Cooperative project

Official site