Art Caravan Satellite Project Report Nelim edition

Kita-ku Theater Experience (Acting Course/Action Course)


2023/12/24 (Sun) 13:00-17:00 (Day 2)


Kamijujo Fureaikan Hall 1
3-3-9 Kamijujo, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0034


■Acting Course: Tora-ke Fuka (director)
■Action Course: Miyazaki Satomi and Ikeda Daisuke (★☆ Kita-ku AKT STAGE)

What is the summaryHere

Held at a facility in Kita-ku, close to Jujo Station on the JR Saikyo Line. This day was the 2nd day of implementation of the project, so the lecture started as soon as the time was right. It seems that the thought in the acting course were going to be people who had some acting experience, and they tried to be learning while actually experiencing with the contents of the lecture, such as “during the previous performance...” and “at the practice the other day...”.

At the Beginning of the Day, the lecturer, Mr. Fukatora-san, first asked the questions what they did as actors. For example, in the case of suffering and suffering, it is easy to understand what they should do as training on a regular basis, while in the case of actors, it is said that there is not much systematized of what exactly they should do. Something like an answer to this question will be discussed as the workshop progresses.


After basic warm-up, such as communication work and physical awareness, etc., one by one takes turns sitting on a chair and having them talk about “things that have left an Impression on them recently” in front of everyone. Everyone talks about suffering, and the atmosphere was peaceful, but I will explain what kind of time this was after it's over. According to the lecturer, it is “a training that brings out what remains of the five senses in everyday life.” Even when reading a script and uttering a line for a role, I often rely on my own memory in some way, and in order to do that, it is tempting to draw out the emotions closest to the script From my own experiences. To that end, was told that it was very important for actors to be able to bring out “That Emotion Has Moved” immediately in this way. If you think about it retrospectively, having various experiences on a regular basis and accumulating the emotions at that time is also one of the emotions you should do on a regular Basis as an actor.


Next, we will have two improvements and improvements to recreate what it was like at their favorite job. The situation is where one of the two people actually works seriously, and the person himself is there as a “senior.” The setting is that another person comes there as a “rookie.” Senpai Becoming Newcomers about Promising Jobs, and An Incurable Improv Drama Was Created That Was Quite Realistic. Here, too, an attempt will be added after the end. It's a difficult job they “know” for people on the other side, so of course, they can imagine clearly what it's like to work. On the other hand, it's a difficult unknown job for the other person, so you can become a “rookie” just like the role. It is surprising because “newcomers” and “newcomers” can each be realistically surprising, that an improvisational drama was created. Here, too, the relationship between “experience” and “role” is difficult, and it is important for people in the role of “senior” to be able to clearly imagine their own dedicated job, and it Seems that the more solid that is, the higher the quality of this improvisational drama.
In the acting course, “experience” is very important for actors, and I was aware of that on a regular basis.


In the next action course, boys in the 3rd grade of elementary school also participated, and were given on several basic types of sword fighting.
After first supposing enough, as a recap from the day before, we will practice actions that can be shown with the whole body, such as attacks hands using, jabs from fighting poses, Straightening, crosses, hooks, and uppers Worse, footwork was done several times.
According to the lecturer, everyone thought to be able to move more than the day before, their legs were raised well, and their shape was raised to be cool. Next, there will also be several discussions on how to receive, and they will experience movements that are basic to sword fighting, such as parry, external reception, internal reception, DUCKING, AND SWAY, WHILE FIND ROLE MODELS.


Finally, they form a 5-hand sword fight in pairs and practice. After memorizing the Order of the Types, 2 instructors will teach you so that they look even cooler. In particular, Mr. Ikeda was very attached to elementary school boys and gave guidance, and the boys were also obsessed with working on it. Once they got used to it, it seems that they were able to enjoy the action up close, such as swapping roles in pairs.


THIS WORKSHOP WILL BE HELD TWICE IN JANUARY AFTER THIS. It seems that both acting and action can be taken more involved by taking time, so I'm really going to see what kind of actors the attitude will grow into after all the sessions are over.

Report: Fukunaga Mitsuhiro

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