Art Caravan Satellite Project Report Labochi edition

Sapporo Theatre Now and Now 02
Theater viewing & exchange meeting to think about the regional nature of U29 limited plays

Schedule/Target Scheduling

11/25 (Sat) 19:00
Kofuku Theater Company “Romance” by Tomoyuki Nagayama (written and directed)


Theater ZOO
Family Nakajima Park B1F, 1-3-17 Minami 11-jonishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 064-0811


Ryudai Mikame (Shimizu Theater Company Project/Pocket Project)

What is the summaryHere

The “Sapporo Theater Now and Now 02 “Viewing & Exchange Meeting to Think About the Regional Nature of U29 Limited Drama” was planned after the performance “Romance” by the Theater company Kofuku Theater, which was presented at the small theater right next to Nakajima Park in Sapporo City.

Theater ZOO at the venue

It was an exchange meeting where Mr. Tomoyuki Nagayama, who is in charge of writing and directing the theater company Kofuku Theater, which is based in Kyushu and Miyazaki, and Arimura Kasumi and Ikeda Takaaki, who are theater company members, well-known words with people under the age of 29 who are performing theater activities in Sapporo, and the day we visited Was the 2nd time of the same project (the first time was an exchange meeting with Opanpon Creation Company in Osaka).

It started with coordinator Ryudai Mikame in the room, and since it was right after watching the film, shared their impressions of the performance first.
Since the Miyazaki dialect is used to describe the story, there were many impressions about the sense of rhythm and suffering of that word, etc., and next, many questions about the unique “style ” production (movement is slippery, dialogue is almost frontal, etc.) came up. It was introduced a novel style for young actors in Sapporo. However, it seems that they knew that this was not a suggestion of a “Kyushu Theater Company,” so they left the theme of “regionality” and moved towards “universality.”


According to Mr. Nagayama, dialects are used experiments, but what I want to draw is “universality,” and by fitting it into the style and adding movements, rather, the part that sticks out from there leaves an impression on the customer as “individual,” and that is very attractive. Incurred, Many of the Disputes Handled Were Like Scenes from Everyday Life, and They Were by No Means “Unique to Kyushu.”

It wasn't easy to get into the “regionality” part of the story, which was the original theme, but as I mentioned to Mr. Nagayama's story, I tried that environment for this Style of work still exists in the region.

Mr. Tomoyuki Nagayama from the Kofuku Theatre Company

The base of the theater company Kofuku Gekijo is a small town called Mimata-cho, and as a franchise company for that cultural center, we visited with the government to interested exchanges WITH THE REGION THROUGH THEATER. when they perform acts, they are in an environment where people they know well come to watch as customers, and as a result, the idea is to make something that will please the Local people.

While, it was arguing that a young actor who is active in Sapporo plays shows that they tend to think that they don't lose to other theater companies and that they tend to have the idea of something more difficult than other places (the same thing may be considered at small places in Tokyo).

It is said that Mr. Nagayama and his thoughts do not have the mentality of making what they want to make, but rather the thoughts of making something that the townspeople recognize and SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT ASHAMED TO SHOW THEM. It wasn't just because it was Kyushu, and I felt that working in a specific community would have an impact on my style.


Mr. Nagayama says that rather than arguing something you don't have as a “dream” or a “goal,” it is very important to use what you have as an advantage and communicate it as it is. A message was sent to young people in Sapporo that life is a series of things that cannot be planned by oneself, and that being able to grasp it will enrich their lives and works

The Encounter between the People Who Found Here on This Day May Have Been a Cooperate, but in Order to Make This Encounter Happened, I Finally Happened to Take a Group Photo of Everyone at Mikame's wishes. There was no relationship between performers and spectators, and rich interaction was born as comrades working on theater with each other across regions, and the exchange meeting ended in a Fun and peaceful atmosphere.

It was a project where I appreciated more important than “regionality,” and I was able to feel the value and influence of “exchange.”


Report: Fukunaga Mitsuhiro

Cooperative project

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