The goal of the project“future”
  JAPANESE THEATER MIRAI PROJECT was born in the face of the state of emergency called the novel coronavirus global attack, it is a project that symbolizes new cooperation and solidarity in the performing arts industry.
Each organization of Japan Performing Arts Solidarity Network, which has been considered together with an eye on the future of Japanese theater, will consider the unique value of performing arts to society by maximizing thereof powers on stages all over the country.

Things we can only understand and do now that we have had an adverse due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Power created when people gather and connect. believe in its limitless desire and the future of the theater world...
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000 pieces
Introducing the Art Caravan Satellite Project to be held in November
Notice from the secretariat
Art Caravan Satellite Planning Report ★ LLC Level 19
Secretariat Report
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
I'm going to deliver opportunities to learn what I want to learn (LLC Level 19)
Art Caravan Satellite Project Introduction
Art Caravan Satellite Project Report ★ Ishii Kozo Office Edition
Secretariat Report
Creating opportunities for children to become familiar with theaters (Ishii Kozo Office)
Art Caravan Satellite Project Introduction
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
【奈良県】十三代目 市川團十郎白猿襲名披露巡業
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
【兵庫県】宝塚歌劇 星組公演『My Last Joke-虚構に生きる-』
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
Introducing the “Japanese Drama” Future Project Large-scale Performance Project
Art Caravan Satellite Project Report ★ Gangwon Riverside Theater
Secretariat Report
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