Professionals read what you write, A step towards the art world brought about by that experience story

The selected works are leading in small theaters

A drama workshop for elementary school 1st graders to 3rd year high school students by the “Gekidan Aokiri Mikan” based in Nagoya.
There will be 1 workshop in total for elementary school 1st to 3rd grade classes, 2 workshops for elementary school 4th graders to middle school 3rd grade classes, and high school 1st to 3rd grade classes, and participants aim to write a play of around 5 minutes.
The plan is that several works selected from among them will be read by professional actors in front of visitors at the “Reading Presentation” to be performed at Nagoya's small theater G/ PIT in December. The lecturer will be Kaname Yuki, who presides over the theater company and also does many children's theater activities.

Believe in the possibility that it will be an experience that will influence the future

Even if you are not selected for the “Reading Presentation,” all plays created at the workshop will be read aloud on the spot by Aokiri Mikan actors, so you can always experience being read by a professional at least once. It seems that they do this because they think that the experience of having someone read what they write, entertain others, and get applause is a big surprise as the first step in getting involved in art.

Aokiri mandarin oranges, which have conducted workshops for children until now, had an impressive experience.
“Previously, there was a child who participated in a project with the Toyota Children's Creative Theater for 3 years from elementary school 4 to 6. At first, that kid didn't seem interested, but before I knew it, he fell in love with theater, and eventually said, “Theater has become important to me. I decided to get a job at the Cultural Promotion Foundation in Toyota City, saying “I want to work in a place that gave me that opportunity.” I would be happy if we could create such an opportunity with this project.” (Theatre Company Aokiri Mikan/Matsui Masato)

Children's drama workshop
“Let's write a script for a play”


■Children's Drama Workshop

・Class 1 (1st graders to 3rd graders)
2023/11/23 (Thursd/holiday) 10:00-12:00
Capacity: 10 people

・Class 2 (4th graders to 3rd graders) *Participation on both days
2023/11/23 (Thursd/holiday) 13:00-15:00
2023/11/25 (Sat) 13:00-15:00
Capacity: 10 people

・Class 3 (1st year high school students to 3rd year high school students) *Participation on both days
2023/11/23 (Thursd/holiday) 16:00-18:00
2023/11/25 (Sat) 16:00-18:00
Capacity: 10 people

■Reading Presentations

2023/12/22 (Fri) 18:00 -
Professional actors will lead and present several works from the scripts completed at the workshop at the theater.

venues G/PIT
1st Floor, Chukyo Building, 1-23-30 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 460-0008

Workshop lecturers Kaname Yuki (theater company Aokiri Mikan)

Reading presentation appearance Gekidan Aokiri Mikan

Participation and admission fees Both are free

Sign up

■Children's Drama Workshop*Closed
■Reading Presentation*Closed

querying Gekidan Aokiri Mikan

Cooperative project

Official site