Art Caravan Satellite Project Report Dancehouse Golden 4422

Dancehouse Golden 4422 Autumn Winter Festival


2023/11/3 (Friday/holiday) 14:00

Takao Norikoshi “Israeli Contemporary Dance Talk”

venues Gold 4422BLDG
4-22-4 Nagatoi-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 453-0803 


Norikoshi Takao (writer, Yasagure dance critic)


Asai Nobuyoshi (dancer/choreographer/director of Dancehouse Kogane 4422)

What is the summaryHere

From Nagoya Station, take every station on the Kintetsu Line to Futago Station. The 5-story Kogane 4422BLDG building in a residential area a 4-minute walk from Kogane Station is the venue for this project.
Visitors and reception staff were seen chatting during the opening, and I was able to hear how the operation is rooted in the community.

Dance House Golden 4422 exterior

Contemporary dance as a national policy

The talk between Mr. Norikoshi and Mr. Asai, who have deep knowledge of contemporary dance in Israel, unraveled the circumstances from the founding of Israel to receiving full backup from the country, and covered a wide range of topics, such as its development and characteristics, comparison with Japan, and the relationship between politics and artists.

Speaker: Norikoshi Takao

There were 14 participants. The audience ranged from young dancer-like men to elderly women wearing canes, and there were also several people who were eagerly taking notes.


A woman takes notes and listens attentively. I heard about it later, and you yourself are a dancer.

Politics and performing arts

Strangely enough, this project was held at the same time as the outbreak of the Palestinian issue between Hamas and Israel, and the content focused not only on simply trying to think about politics and art separately, but also on inseparable parts.
I don't think any art can be unrelated to cultural and historical backgrounds, but it is impossible to estimate all of it from creations.
This project was a valuable opportunity to systematically introduce important knowledge for interpreting contemporary Israeli dance and enhance the resolution of appreciation.

Interviewer: Nobuyoshi Asai

It was an intense time that went by so quickly that an hour and a half felt a little short.

At the dance house Kogane 4422 Autumn Winter Festival, many workshops are also scheduled until next January, starting with TALK PROJECT A this time.

Report: Nakamura Yuichi

Cooperative project

Official site