Historic Noh theater opens wide Noh doors


Interesting points all over the place

The oldest Noh theater “Yamamoto Noh Theater,” which has the oldest history in Osaka and has innovative activities, will hold a Noh experience course. The venue is Iwate Prefecture, where there are very few opportunities to experience Noh. The Yamamoto Noh Theater is also scheduled to perform in Miyako City this fall, and the purpose is for people to enjoy those performances even more, and to convey the appeal of Noh itself.

In the first place, Noh experience courses at Yamamoto Noh Theater have been actively held by Noh actor Shite Katayama Akihiro, who is also the current lecturer, for over 20 years, saying “I want people to know Noh.” I continue to tell you that Noh, which has an impression of being difficult to understand, is actually interesting no matter where you unravel it, and that you can enjoy it according to that person's hobbies and preferences. Participants so far have not only watched Noh, but it seems that there are also people who have come to learn, and it is said that Yamamoto Noh Gakudo realized that this workshop is a time leading to the spread and succession of Noh.

A world where you can get closer all at once by touching

The content begins with the history of Noh, and when it comes to Noh, there is also an explanation of “Noh masks.” This time, it is said that the side of a teenage woman who hasn't fallen in love yet, the side of a mother, the side of an old woman, and the side of Hannya, whose anger exploded due to passion, etc. will be explained. In the “song (song)” experience where the story progresses with Noh, it seems that participants actually sing a phrase. It is said that by doing so, you can enjoy the beauty of words that you don't notice just by listening, and it leads to sensory understanding. Furthermore, there is also time to actually wear Noh costumes (costumes). For example, a Noh costume is like a kimono with a kimono belt turned into a kimono. It's a thing that's usually hard to wear.

The theory of Noh performances that are great for beginners, how they behave in the audience seats, and why they get sleepy (!) It seems that there is even an explanation, and you can feel Yamamoto Noh Gakudo's feeling that “I want you to enjoy it even if it's your first time.” The lecturers are 5 Noh musicians, starting with Yamamoto Akihiro mentioned above. There is also a plan to show a dance in a demonstration, and it is a luxurious 90-minute course.


“Noh Experience Course” for beginners @Miyako
Let's get to know Noh! Let's have fun!


・2023/8/2 (Wed) 15:00-16:30 (doors open 14:30)
・2023/8/3 (Thursday) 10:30 to 12:00 (doors open 10:00)


East Pier Miyako (Miyako City Hall) 1st Floor Exchange Plaza
1-1-30 Miyamachi, Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture, 027-8501

lecturers Yamamoto Akihiro (Kanze school Noh performer)

Participation fee gratis

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querying Yamamoto Nohgakudo


Sibiu International Theatre Festival 30th Anniversary Report Meeting

Faust in the Moonlight Night
FAUST. A confession

Romania's Sibiu International Theatre Festival, which is one of Europe's top three theatre festivals, celebrated its 30th anniversary in June 2023. The theater festival started in 1993, immediately after the collapse of socialism in Romania, led by the general director, Constantine Chiriac, but the scale grew year by year, and this memorable year, over 5,000 performers were invited from 81 countries, and 825 different events were held at 81 venues in Sibiu, making it the largest ever.

Mr. Kazumi Kushida went to Sibiu when Sibiu became the European Capital of Culture in 2007, and from that relationship, a Sibiu performance of “Natsu Matsuri Naniwa Ship” by Heisei Nakamura-za starring the late Nakamura Kanzaburo was realized in 2008, and since then, she has been deeply involved with Sibiu. Yamamoto Noh Theater was the first Noh actor to receive an invitation from a theater festival, and has participated for 8 consecutive years since 2016.

At this debriefing session, we will welcome Mr. Kushida, and together with Mr. Noboru Yasuda from the Wakikata side, Mr. Sennojo Shigeyama from Kyogen, and Mr. Takayuki Fujimoto, the lighting designer, to report on the relationship with the Sibiu International Theatre Festival so far, so you can feel the energy that this theater festival has become the largest in the world, and I hope many people will know the appeal of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival. (Yamamoto Nohgakudo Yamamoto Akihiro)


2023/8/8 (Tue) 18:30 to 20:30


Yamamoto Nohgakudo
1-3-6 Tokui-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 540-0025


・Kazumi Kushida (director/actor)
・Yamamoto Akihiro (Kanze school Noh musician)
・Yasuda Noboru (Shimokake Hosho-ryu Noh musician)
・Sennojo Shigeyama (Okura-ryu Noh musician)
・Fujimoto Takayuki (Kinsei R&D Director, Lighting Designer)

Participation fee gratis

Sign up ※Registration closed

querying Yamamoto Nohgakudo

Cooperative project

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