Art Caravan Satellite Project Report Oji Little Theater

“For the Future a Little Bit Ahead” Prince Matching Week 2nd


2023/9/14 (Thursday) (Day 4)
Stage, sound, and lighting preparation experience! workshops


Oji Little Theater
B1F, 1-14-4 Oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0002

lecturers Kurota Gosuke

What is the summaryHere

An 8-day matching project set up as a meeting place for people from various sections involved in theater. The “Stage, Sound, and Lighting Preparation Experience!” was held on 9/14 I participated in the “workshop”.


The 12 participants decided to take the course for various reasons, such as students, those who wanted to get started behind the scenes, and actors who wanted to help with Preparation Day.


[Stage Edition]
In order to get a sense of the shakkan method (shakkanho), they measured with a tape measure to see where one foot was with their own body, and each group thought about how to make “2 feet” with current box horses.
The lecturer, Kurota, will carefully teach you things that are difficult to hear at the preparation site one by one.


While looking at the stage map, we will experiment how to place the box horse against the platform safely and efficiently.




They carefully taught me how to use nuguri and impact, how to apply tape, how to peel off nails, etc.

From when preparation had to be done with a minimum number of people, the task of gradually increasing the number of people and thinking about how to work efficiently when preparing for a certain number of people was a way of thinking that would always be useful when participants helped with future preparations.

The lecturer, Kurota, told me that when considering the progress of this course, it was important for participants to be able to experience it safely. For example, not letting them work at a height or having them do the work within their own sight.
I felt that these considerations led to an environment where participants could concentrate on “learning.”

When I asked the participants why they took this course, they said, “I was interested behind the scenes, but there was no place where I could learn about sound or lighting.”
It's difficult to ask a professional to “let me go to the site” without any experience, and I don't know who I can make such a request to in the first place. At that time, he told me that by learning about and participating in this project, he was able to take that step forward.
“Are you connected to the future?” In response to the question, they answered, “I'm going to start helping today's lecturers on site, and I'm going to gain experience.”

This is what the lighting course looks like

Report: Narushima Hidekazu

Cooperative project

Official site