“Dancehouse Golden 4422” In order to make it an open facility

Events that everyone can participate in, from dance to Haruki Murakami

This event will be held for about 2 months at the Nagoya city dance platform “Dance House Gold 4422,” which specializes in contemporary dance.
In addition to dance workshops with dancers such as Kawai Ron and others unique to this facility, and talk shows that talk about Israeli dance, there are actually programs of various genres, such as workshops on the theme of short stories by Haruki Murakami, and a talk show by Takahiro Fujita, who presides over “Mum and the Gypsies.”

A project born after rethinking the way the facility should be

Anyone with no experience can participate in any of the programs. This is unusual for workshops with such members, but the desire of the dance artist Asai Nobuyoshi, who is the representative of the facility, “I hope this place becomes an “intersection” where a wide variety of people meet and come” is reflected there.

“Dance House Kogane 4422 was originally created as a creative exchange center between artists active overseas and local artists. However, while operating the facility, it became known that there was a gap between that way of thinking and regional needs. I was thinking about how to fill the gap, but due to the pandemic, it wasn't easy to get an opportunity to work on it. Under such circumstances, I learned about Art Caravan Satellite, and I thought I would use this as an opportunity for that.”

On top of that, what made use of it was “dance and theater aren't just for theaters. The idea is “I can be closer to people.”
“That's why I wanted people with a wide variety of attributes to know about their appeal, and to make that encounter a “enrichment of my life.” That wealth is good for finding a new self, and it's also good for health. I think it might be better for this place to be that way. To that end, I wanted to create a solid format for this project.”

This is an event that only people who have never experienced dance or theater should visit.

Dancehouse Golden 4422 Autumn Winter Festival


Takao Norikoshi “Israeli Contemporary Dance Talk”

2023/11/3 (Friday/holiday) 14:00

Takahiro Fujita “Takahiro Fujita Talk Show”

2023/11/4 (Sat) 14:00-15:30

Narumi Kohei “Creation from Novels to Small Works”

2023/11/25 (Sat) 13:00-17:00
2023/11/26 (Sun) 13:00-17:00
2023/12/2 (Sat) 13:00-17:00
2023/12/3 (Sun) 13:00-17:00
Capacity: 6 people

Shimazaki Asami “Essential Movement Class”

2023/12/9 (Sat) 15:00-16:30
Target: Anyone can take it

Mayumu Minagawa “Workshop to Find 'Dance' in Everyday Life”

2023/12/22 (Friday) 19:00-20:30
Target: Those who are interested in physical expression

Kohei Fujimura “Because I Listen to Music” WS Thinks about Dance from Listening

2024/1/12 (Friday) 19:00-20:30
Audience: Listening is not necessarily a passive act; rather, it is both constructive and highly creative. This time, I'm going to create music from listening and explore the occurrence of dance. Anyone who is willing to think and practice the relationship between music and dance with their bodies can participate.

Ron Kawai “Thinking about body quality (quality) with changes in speed”

2024/1/19 (Fri) 19:00-20:30
Target: Middle school students and above who are interested in physical expression and want to improve their physical senses

venues Gold 4422BLDG
4-22-4 Nagatoi-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 453-0803 

Participation fee Both are free

Sign up Please send us an email with the following details.
Subject: “(Course title) Registration”
① Your name ② email address ③ phone number

querying Dancehouse Golden 4422
TEL:070-5642-8406(Weekdays 10 to 17 o'clock)

Cooperative project

Official site