The MIRAI Letter Project will be carried out!

In JAPANESE THEATER MIRAI PROJECT 2023, we will implement a new “MIRAI Letter Project” for the purpose of communicating with customers who visit theaters on a daily basis.

The performing arts have overcome the coronavirus and a new era is about to begin.
I feel that the birth of a network that transcends performing arts genres that has never existed before is an event that can be said to be hopeful, born due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become a serious crisis.

This project is a new connection that envisions the future.
Please let me hear the voices of everyone in the audience who are creating performing arts together so that we can put our wishes into a time capsule.

Round-trip postcards will be distributed through performance venues and satellite planning for MIRAI PROJECT. If you don't mind, I would be happy if you could post a letter to the mailbox or let us know your thoughts on the performing arts using the form below.

I would be happy if we could continue to believe in the power of performing arts and create the future together.


Nation wide
PR project

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